On the Air

Welcome to eyeondc.tv,
a site dedicated to broadcast preservation in the Washington DC area.

The site is mostly about TV, but some radio will also creep in from time to time.

Also we’ll go up 95 for some Baltimore content, but the bulk of material posted here will be in DC.

I’ve got lots of images to share as well as stories about the people and programs that hit the airwaves, stay tuned!


Washington D.C. Stations

UHF channels


Program ID Slides

Program ID Slides

Print Ads

Print Ads

Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

Promotional Items

Promotional Items

DC Area Radio

DC Area Radio


This site is dedicated to the preservation of Washington DC local broadcasting, I’ve been employed in the business since 1974, briefly in radio (very briefly), and have been at Channel 9 since 1975. Growing up in Fairfax County, two friends and I invited ourselves to just about every radio and TV station in the region in the early 70s and all three of us have have shared great careers and a lifelong love of the business. I have been collecting all kinds of broadcast memorabilia (buttons, mugs, hats, print material, pictures, tapes, etc) since the early 70s, and now will share my collection and historical information through these pages. If you have any memories or pictures to share, feel free to contact me at [email protected].